2 Types of NFTs

In QB GoldRush, obtaining rewards through mining is the most important mission. To earn these rewards, two types of NFTs are required. The two NFTs, Character NFT and Mining Item NFT, are both essential keys to playing the game.

Character NFT

Character NFTs are the characters used for mining within the game. To engage in mining, at least one Character NFT is required. Before heading to a mining site, players can organize up to 15 Character NFTs into their party. Each Character NFT has a status value called Mining Power, which determines whether they can enter a mine based on the required Mining Power set for that specific mine.

At the time of the game release, the Character NFT will be available as an in-game item rather than an NFT. Future updates will allow players to transfer their Character NFTs to their personal wallets.

Mining item NFT

Mining item NFTs are items that can be equipped to character NFTs, and at least one Mining item NFT must be equipped to a character NFT in order to perform mining. Just as in the real world, where you need tools like a pickaxe when heading to a mine, mining item NFTs are essential. These items are categorized into five types, and the type of item depends on the character’s stats.

At the time of the game release, these will be available as items, not NFTs. In future updates, character NFTs will be transferable to your personal wallet.

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